First things first, I'm thrilled you're all safe and only lost some material stuff! That being said, I love your hand-written charts! Absolutely gorgeous and filled with unquestionable wisdom, my friend! Bravo!

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Thanks, Myriam; yeah, I have plenty of experiences that I will bring to light which form the basis of why we do what we do here at Peoplepreneur. This particular story has some finer details, but I left that out deliberately for another time. The illustrations are my way (I'm a visual person) to express something more easily to be consumed; thrilled you are here, honoured.

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I'm the honoured one, my friend! I guessed the visual person thing, indeed 🌞 I'm more of a kinesthesic one!

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Oh defo, I am more intuitively inclined, I just love visuals. Always great to have you.

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