Hey Champion,
Many people today do not have the basics set out.
So I want to revisit the basics of what I call the inner flow; it's about making sure we set off on the right foundations as you move forward in your life.
Why is that important?
Well, firstly, it's harder to guess our way through life. We don't do ourselves any favours by leading on someone else's journey, expectations, experiences or reality. To be honest, it's how we all begin—curiously learning from what's happening around us. I'd question, though, at what point have you not stopped and reflected on your journey?
A plane can end up at the wrong destination if the pilots do not constantly monitor the journey. A small change in direction over several hours can be wasted resources like fuel, time and money.
Secondly, people become easily misguided, as there is no internal reference to measure against. Misguided by what the world believes you ought to be doing. No internal checks contribute to you being in a place you didn't expect to be in.
When to say YES, and when to say NO?
What criteria do you go against that gives you certainty?
Do you change directions because Sally is reaping massive rewards?
What is the path forward?
What indications are confirming you are on the right path?
I have always thought about the fundamental question, what am I here to do? I know it one question that will enter into everyone minds at some point in life because everyday isn’t the same.
It's driven me to this point in my journey, the hard way; seeking, constantly questioning, avoiding being led by others, overcoming my inner conflicts, saying no to the temptations life lures you into; boy, it was difficult. Today, I have a solid foundation to build on, and it's invigorating for me to pursue it daily.
The Inner Flow
Study the flow diagram below.
So let's take a moment to explore the correct way to flow.
This flow is the basis of everything you do and you should be connected to it.
1) Purpose - Knowing who you are and how you 'enable' yourself to take action
2) Vision - Do you have a connected path forward from your purpose? What do you stand for?
3) Mission - To get closer to your vision, what are you committed to?
4) Goals - Do your goals align with your commitments? No make a to-do list
Here is sample of my flow:
Some observations I've made from others.
People have a purposeless purpose - It's more of a to-do list.
The end destination is seen as an object - Once accomplished they outgrow their vision, they now need something else to focus on.
Committing to something but not knowing how it contributes to their future or path - What is driving them for the next 10 years?
Having plenty of material goals - After a while, material wealth becomes boring.
Many people don't believe they have what it takes to pursue their desires, hindering their growth. What they don't have is an inner flow powerful enough to pull them through.
It's your turn
Nothing in your life today should influence this flow.
Spend a moment reflecting, filling out this flow diagram for yourself. Do NOT think about your business, career, job or impose anyone's beliefs on this exercise; clear your mind; we need you in your entirety.
When you are clear and connected, you can begin to make a to-do list of what you must do to get going on this alignment.
Observe this.
What did you find out?
Where are your disconnections?
What are you uncertain about?
Are you connected with the flow?
How does it relate to what you are currently doing?
Do you feel you are progressing toward or away from it?
If you want to dive deeper into this and set a foundation to which you are entirely connected, we run a 1:1 workshop called 'Clarity at the Core'. I'd be happy to speak to you about it. Just reach out to hello@ankspatel.com
Wishing you all a super intentional week ahead.
Flow, Champions.
Today's empowering belief:
The only person that should guide me is my inner self.
Become who you were meant to
When a newly bought car needs to be services and maintained to keep it running in the best condition it needs to. We aren’t any different, don’t wait until you’re completely run down.
Can someone else benefit?
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